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Thursday 11 August 2011

The Wrong Coordinate

By zulfah sofiaturrohmah xi ipa 3/ 29
One day there was a hero called “Suparman”. He was walking on the street but suddenly he heard a voice “help…help….help. So he went to where the voice was and he tried to find it.

After that he decided to fly and crush the evil action in the earth. He said, “O yeah, this is my time to show! “woooosh”. He flew in the sky, looked at the earth to find someone who needed his help. But suddenly, he got an accident “JEDUK” ….wow…wow…wow… Ouch. His head hit something. Oh no actually he hit the body of an airplane which flew on the sky. His head was injured and then he said, “Oh no, sorry, Tomorrow I will be back to help you… wait me!” …ha..???

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