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Sunday 25 November 2012

Mr Barrack Obama is the right man

I do believe that mister Obama is the right man on the right position. As we all know he has done his job well passed four years. So, I personally think that American will be proud of him as he is capable in running the united state of America government greatly. No word to say now except wow after knowing that he is elected again in USA president election 2012. I really thank God because my hopes that mister Obama will win this election come true. I really appreciate and so happy now.

As I believe him as the one who can bring United State of America become super nation in the world, I want to give my opinion about him. First, about economical condition of America, he can solve this problem well. He has done great effort to keep the economical stabilization of America. I know how hard he works to solve all economical problems faced by Americans.

Second, as the great nation, Mr. Obama shows the world that United State of America (USA) is a great nation who will keep world peace. USA is a great nation which loves peace, world peace. He has campaigned to all of the worlds that USA support world and global peace. In America, Africa, Asia especially middle east and pacific, Europe and Australia peace is number one. He feels that peace is something that must be won by all nations in the word.

Third, in eradicating terrorism in all of the worlds, mister Obama has led the policy that terror should be eliminated. Terror is bad and it should not be done by human who want world peace. He is the success man who can do it. Although eradicating terrorism is complicated, he believes that it is right thing to do. So, as we all know he becomes the top leader in eradicating global terror in the world. The positive thing we can learn from mister president 2012 to 2016.

As my conclusion of my opinion about what I feel about next four years, I do believe that mister Obama is the right man on the right position. I am so optimistic that USA will pass the next period greatly. With Obama, USA will be the unforgettable nation which is always kept by American in deepest hearth. Go ahead mister Obama, God bless you and always be with you forever.

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